Saturday, May 18, 2024

International charity hockey match turns ugly as Canadian prime minister drops gloves with visiting...

It was meant to be a friendly charity match-up between two nations rich with hockey tradition. But after just a few minutes into the game there was clear animosity as Canada and Russia engaged in an ugly exhibition game at Ottawa's Scotiabank Place mired with fights and penalties. No fight was more surprising than that between Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Boris Alexandrov, a wealthy Russian oil man.

Hjalmarsson taken to body shop to get dents pounded out

Being a shot-blocking machine has taken a toll on Niklas Hjalmarsson's body. But the Hawks are determined to keep him running.

Loco Rob Column: Hawks power play is a gas, gas, gas

The Citgo Petroleum power play is the most ridiculous term in all of sports. In your dreams you hit the game winning grand slam, throw the game winning touchdown, score the winning basket and...

Heckler Comic: Life as a goalie in today’s NHL

Blocked shots are more prevalent than ever this season. And the goalies like it that way.

Judd Sirott’s application for additional inning of play-by-play duty rejected

Judd Sirott’s career fast track hit a bump in the road recently when the nonstop talker’s application for an additional inning of Cubs play-by-play was rejected because, in the hiring manager’s opinion, Sirott must be “raving mad.”

Heckler Stats: Top Groupies Consummated w/ Seasons

Not surprisingly, Wilt Chamberlain tops the list of sports personalities who have had the most success with groupies.

Heckler Stats: Top Sports Twins

Every single Luvabull makes an appearance on April's list of the Top Twins in sports.