Blogger looking silly for predicting trade of Seabrook, Kane, Toews, Sharp, Crawford, Campbell, Hossa...
As the NHL trade deadline approaches, Blackhawks blogger Scott Carney is starting to fear none of the eight key Chicago players will be dealt to other teams as he predicted last week.
Kane vows to stop partying with people who own cameras
Patrick Kane's reputation as a party animal was reinforced earlier this week when Deadspin posted photos of the 22-year-old superstar allegedly cavorting late-night and suggested a massive hangover was the reason he then missed two days of practice earlier this week.
Cubs blogger claims to love team despite doing nothing but bitching about them
Twenty-nine-year-old Chicagoan Pat Snyder claims to undyingly love the Cubs even though he does nothing but complain about them on his blog
Breaking News: Patrick Kane flies discount airline, continues to enjoy company of young women
The Chicago sports world was rocked to its foundation Wednesday when uber-popular smut-raking blog Deadspin broke shocking news about Blackhawks star Patrick Kane, including that the young millionaire flies a discount airline.
Randy Wells somehow gains Twitter followers after removing account
Tribune Cubs beat reporter Paul Sullivan reported that Wells claims his account was hacked and thus the deletion of it. Wells asked that people ignore the final tweet from the account which read “All you hatred slash bloggers go to bed. Jim Hendry is a great man! That's all he should be judged on!"
‘Tim Tebow-Kim Kardashian sex scandal’-headline written just to try to break the Internet
Two media phenomenons collided today when a blogger posted a sexually suggestive headline about Tim Tebow and Kim Kardashian for no other reason than to drive traffic to his blog and hopefully break the Internet.
L.A. residents confuse ‘Paul to the Clippers’ headline as title of a new Tarantino...
“'Paul to the Clippers'?” asked a UCLA student. “I think I saw on IMDB that's Quentin Tarantino's new flick about strippers in New Mexico who seek revenge against the corrupt school boards.”