Friday, July 26, 2024

Contreras recalls rooming with Ty Cobb

When he's not giving up multiple runs in first few innings of a game like he did this weekend, Sox starting pitcher Jose Contreras, who turns 100 this year, is working on an autobiography that dozens of baseball fans are looking forward to reading.

Mayor Emanuel orders all city bars to close with Tigers’ Cabrera in town

“For the safety of our residents, we have closed all Chicago bars and alcohol-serving restaurants in the anticipation of Miguel Cabrera in town,” said Emanuel. "This city is in enough trouble as it is. We can't risk the sort of physical damage an intoxicated Cabrera could do after another late-night bender."

Neifi Perez surprises himself, makes Tigers opening day roster

After receiving a daily dose of home cooking from manager Dusty Baker when he was with the Cubs, journeyman Neifi Perez got a taste of humble pie when he was shipped to Detroit at last year's trade deadline, batting a paltry .200 in 21 games with the Tigers.

Verlander, Tigers throw first negative-hit game in history against Sox

In the second inning of Detroit's 5-0 win, catcher Tyler Flowers swung so hard at a changeup from Verlander that he spun around quickly four times as the ball was crossing the plate.

Great American pastime rocked by foreign player named ‘Benoit’

The sport of baseball, heralded as an American pastime invented by and for Americans, was knocked on its rear end today when a Major League pitcher named “Benoit” representing the great American city of Detroit relieved Justin Verlander.

Doug the Sox Fan scouts Midwest baseball

JULY 15, PITTSBURGH PIRATES @ CHICAGO CUBS, WRIGLEY FIELD Things went so bad for the Pirates that even Jerry Hairston Jr. contributed to the onslaught with a grand slam (albeit off the foul pole), and then got into a heated, bench-clearing exchange with Pirate reliever Jose Mesa after his next at-bat. Of course, 39,000 suburban frat guys home for the summer left happy after the Cubs' 11-1 win, many of them singing the world’s most annoying tune. I’d appreciate the song much more if the lyrics "Go Cubs go! Go Cubs go!" were a command relating to the franchise’s geographic location. Chicagoans: There’s only room for one playoff team in this town, and we all know who it is in 2005.

Verlander to pitch every inning for Tigers the rest of the playoffs

"Earlier this week I said Justin was done for the series, but that was before we gave up 10 runs Tuesday night," said Leyland. "He's all we've got right now so we're going to win or lose this thing by riding on Justin's arm."