While he continues to rehab his torn left ACL that might force him to miss the entire 2012-13 season, Bulls’ guard Derrick Rose said he could beat Michael Jordan in a game of one-on-one.

With talk about returning to the game as a player and amidst the hoopla of Jordan’s recent 50th birthday, Rose told reporters at the Berto Center that he could “whoop MJ’s hind-end on my good leg … today!”

Never one to back down from a challenge, Jordan responded by saying he’d match Rose’s handicap by playing the game while seated on a “Rascal,” a motorized scooter used mostly by senior citizens.

“That means I’d be using just one hand because I’d need the other to steer my Rascal,” Jordan said.

The six-time Bulls’ champion said he’d be pleased to play a game against Rose with a personal side-bet of $250,000.
