Adam Shefter, the ESPN analyst who is well-known throughout the NFL for getting exclusives on stories well before any of his colleagues in the media, has just come forward with what he is calling a mind-blowing announcement. To quote a supremely confident Shefter, “I am told by numerous inside sources that this weekend, Peyton Manning will in fact be playing against his former team, the Indianapolis Colts.”

When asked by an incredulous Steve Young how he came upon such information, Shefter responded as follows:

“Well Steve, as you know I have numerous inside sources. As I was sitting behind my desk surrounded by all of these fancy books and framed pictures, I received a call from one of those sources who also happens to be one of my best friends in the universe. He told me that yes, it was confirmed that Peyton Manning would in fact be playing against his former team this weekend.”

After Shefter dropped his bombshell, Steve Young with his eyes and jaw wide open simply stared at Shefter in amazement. Then Steve Young offered his usual thoughtful and charismatic insight by declaring:

“That is correct Adam. Peyton Manning was in fact an Indianapolis Colt before he became a Denver Bronco. Also, Peyton Manning has a brother who plays for the New York Giants.”

In an earlier exclusive earlier in the year Adam Shefter had won over his colleagues, namely Steve Young by pointing out that Peyton Manning would in fact be playing against his younger brother Eli when the Broncos traveled to New York to face the Giants in a Week 3 NFL match-up.
