Saying there are just so many Leon Trotsky books to read with few Cuban capitalists to imprison still living, former President and Premier of Cuba, Fidel Castro, has taken a job as minor league roving pitching coach for the Miami Marlins.

“Since I gave up the Presidency in 2008 to my brother, Raul, I’ve been bored out of my cabeza,” Castro told Juventud Rebelde (Rebellious Youth) published by the Union of Young Communists.

A star ballplayer at the University of Havana in the 1940’s, Castro was scouted by the Pirates, New York Giants and Washington Senators.

“’Che,’” fellow revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara, “always said I had a filthy curveball,” a former pitcher and now occasional dictator said.

Castro said his love of the game has never wavered. “I take great pride in my country for becoming the primary farm team of many Major League Baseball clubs.”

Asked if working in the U.S. might be awkward for him, the global icon said, “No problema. I’ve long told leaders of the so-called ‘free world,’ yellow-running imperialist dogs that they are, ‘Let bygones be bygones.’”

While Castro will be employed by the Marlins, when asked what is his favorite MLB team, the 86-year-old dictator proudly declared, “The Yankees, of course!”
