While many fans think Jim Boylen doesn’t have much future as Bulls coach, some believe politics is on the horizon for him after his electrifying keynote address at the Bernie Sanders rally in Grant Park Saturday afternoon.

With thousands looking on, Boylen stunned the crowd with his exceptional political acumen articulating point after point about Sanders’ platform.

“The exigency of the political landscape has inspired many to volunteer for the campaign,” Boylen told the crowd. He received the loudest cheers after saying, “We must inveigle Bernie to continue his brisk participation into the Presidential process.”

“Jim Boylen is truly the Bernie Sanders of basketball,” the Vermont senator told his supporters. “And let’s be clear: Basketball players are not billionaires. Most are only millionaires regular old millionaires like my wife and me.”

Sanders continued his praise of Boylen in a post rally press conference. “Jim was absolutely sensational. However, I am puzzled why he told me to take a time out with 20 seconds left in my speech.”
