Another curse is plaguing the Cubs. On April 20, 2005, Nomar Garciaparra blew out his groin muscle running out of the batter’s box at Busch Stadium. Exactly a year later, Derrek Lee collided with Rafael Furcal at Dodger Stadium, breaking a bone in Lee’s wrist and effectively ending his year. Superstition suggests something bad will happen Friday for the Cubs. Fans are hoping that if the Curse of April 20th does have to strike, that it strikes the bullpen.

“It would be great if Scott Eyre and Will Ohman got hurt somehow,” Cubs fan Jimmy Ankenbrand said. “Now I have a reason to watch the game.”

Eyre and Ohman have already blown games for the Cubs in relief appearances this season. Despite this fan ire, neither pitcher expressed concern about the Curse of April 20th.

“I’d rather spend time in the hospital than get sent to Iowa again,” Ohman said. “At least if I get hurt, it would keep me in the majors.”

Eyre agreed, but for a different reason.

“Getting sent to Iowa would be terrible for my lifestyle,” said the portly reliever. “The double cheeseburgers and apple pies at the McDonald’s across the street from Wrigley are the reason I love playing here. If I’m on the DL, I’d be able to spend even more time there.”s

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