This time it was a 4-1 loss to the San Jose Sharks. The Hawks gave away tickets through Ticketmaster last night hoping to draw a crowd. They reported just over 10,000, which means there was actually about 86 people there.

The Hawks host the Los Angeles Kings Friday night and are giving away tickets to that game as well. They may as well. No one in this city really cares much about them. The few that do are long frustrated and awaiting baseball season. Owner Bill Wirtz has priced families out. If parents want to take their kids to a hockey game, they go to Wolves games. It’s much cheaper and the team has a better chance of winning.

Fans walking out of the United Center were frustrated.

“Maybe if we boycott games and only go if the tickets are free something would change,” an anonymous fan said last night. “And if we don’t buy beer, food, or souvenirs. Oh, who am I kidding. It’s never going to change. Does Mark Cuban like hockey?”

Hawk fans tried a boycott several years ago. They tried to stage a protest outside the rink. The problem is that there are so few Hawk fans left that no one noticed. So, naturally, Wirtz took no notice and the team’s low place in the sporting world has stayed that way.

Oh well. Maybe next year.

heckler editorial staff