Congrats to Vin C.. who won top prize in our monthly $100 giveaway for The Heckler’s most popular post of February. His “J..R. Smith’s new haircut is a secret jab at LeBron’s hairline” article and image was hands-down our most popular piece of the month.

Here are the top five posts from February:

J..R. Smith’s new haircut is a secret jab at LeBron’s hairline  Winner!
Zambian village celebrates Brady getting his 2nd ring, wonders if Eli will ever get over the hump
1,089 views behind
Tebowing, Bradying, Pujolsing & 11 Other Fan Poses 1,307 views behind
Drive what Jonathan Toews drives: a banged-up Benz 1,310 views behind
Giselle leaves Tom for Eli Manning 1,429 views behind

Also, read more about how you can win $100 each month by clicking here.
